
lunedì 20 febbraio 2023

Doctor Strange and the real magical knowledge by Stefano Donno

How do you explain the very concept of “magic”? Is it something you can learn and practice, something inherent in our very nature, or something else entirely? Doctor Strange, an action and sci-fi based movie released in 2016, takes an unconventional approach to examining the idea of “magic” and its relationship to knowledge. Doctor Strange follows the story of a narcissistic and talented neurosurgeon, Doctor Stephen Strange. After a car accident leaves him with a debilitating injury, Strange seeks out the Ancient One, a mysterious mysterious figure living in the remote mountains of Nepal, believing she can heal his hands and enable him to continue practicing medicine. Instead, the Ancient One reveals to Strange the hidden world of magic, teaching him how to harness its power. Throughout the movie, Doctor Strange is forced to grapple with the implications of what this newfound magical knowledge entails and how it was previously unknown to him. He quickly learns that the power of magic and alchemy is immense, capable of lifting boulders and healing at a molecular level. Through his lessons with the Ancient One, Strange is able to understand something even more powerful - that of true knowledge. This knowledge is a combination of all four classical elements: spirit, nature, science, and faith. Strange soon realizes that this knowledge transcends the boundaries of science and religion, allowing him to defend both worlds against dark forces. Through mastering knowledge of the four elements, Strange is able to use his newfound magical abilities in order to traverse other dimensions, craft powerful weapons, and protect Earth from evil forces. He is even able to continue practicing his medical skills, as he is able to heal other living beings at a molecular level. Overall, Doctor Strange and the real magical knowledge take a unique approach to the idea of “magic”, showing its power is rooted within knowledge and the four classical elements. Doctor Strange is able to use this knowledge to defend both realms, advancing further than what can be accomplished through either science or religion. The movie is a great example of how magic is not merely a concept that is foreign or unfamiliar, but rather a combination of many forms of knowledge and wisdom.



Alberto Sordi da Costanzo 2001

Intervista Alberto Sordi - Speciale 70 anni (RAI 1990)

Aberto Sordi: interviste e rarità

Alberto Sordi: Vita ed Amori

Alberto Sordi racconta la sua domenica - „Domenica In” con Edwige Fenech e Pippo Baudo (21.12.1980)

ALBERTO SORDI - Le Più Belle Interviste Mai Fatte

domenica 19 febbraio 2023

Esotericism in the mythology of Cthulhu by Stefano Donno

Created by American author H. P. Lovecraft, the Cthulhu mythos is a collection of fictional stories about gigantic octopus-like creatures, alien gods, and other strange creations. The Cthulhu mythos is also known as the Cthulhu genre or the Cthulhu Myth Cycle. The cycle describes the rise and fall of a civilization before being conquered by the Great Old One, or ancestor, of which each Great Old One is an incarnation. During their conquests, the Great Old Ones desecrate sacred sites and steal ancient knowledge-including science, medicine, and weaponry-to hand down to their minions. Many people believe that Lovecraft based his works on actual extraterrestrials that had visited Earth thousands of years ago. Whether or not this is true, it's clear that the works draw inspiration from esoteric and western knowledge in general.

The core of the Cthulhu mythos lies in writings from different esoteric schools of thought. These include Hermetic magic, Greek mythology, the Kabbalah, Egyptian religion, Gnosticism and Buddhism. The various gods and goddesses within these schools of thought have similar origins to the Old Ones; they represent aspects of godhood or cosmic consciousness. Many authors have contributed to the Cthulhu mythos since Lovecraft's time; these include Robert Weinberg, Brian Hengester, Paul Kidd and Kenneth Womack. Each has contributed their own interpretation of Lovecraft's original works and created new spin-off stories.



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Top 10 Hardest Third Person Shooters

Top 10 Most Unexpected Brutal Deaths of Movie Villains


mercoledì 15 febbraio 2023


Tortino al cioccolato dal cuore morbido

Mini red velvet

Les Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno est la fierté de l'édition italienne

Les Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno est la fierté de l'édition italienne. La société familiale s'engage à publier des auteurs de renommée internationale sélectionnés avec soin.

Depuis des années, elle collabore avec Amazon, qui distribue ses titres dans le monde entier, permettant à un grand nombre de lecteurs italiens à l'étranger de découvrir ses précieuses publications.

Les Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno est une entreprise capable de conjuguer tradition et innovation. Son catalogue est riche de titres de grand intérêt, qui peuvent être achetés en quelques clics grâce au lien présent dans le communiqué.

Êtes-vous prêt à découvrir les précieux trésors des Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno?


Stefano Donno editore iQdB Edizioni


martedì 14 febbraio 2023

The 'aggressive' first Aston Martin F1 car from it's big Red Bull signing

McLaren's surprising revelation at its 2023 F1 car launch

Why AlphaTauri refuses to make its 2023 F1 car a Red Bull copy

I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno is the pride of Italian publishing

I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno is the pride of Italian publishing. This family-run business is committed to carefully-selected authors of international renown. For years, they have collaborated with Amazon, who distribute their titles worldwide, allowing a vast community of Italian readers abroad to discover their precious publications. I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno is a company capable of blending tradition and innovation. Their catalog is full of titles of great interest, which can be purchased in a few clicks thanks to the link present in the communication. Are you ready to discover the precious treasures of I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno?

Stefano Donno editore iQdB Edizioni


lunedì 13 febbraio 2023

Top 10 Video Games That Forced You To Do TRAUMATIZING Things

Top 20 Movies That Bombed So Hard They Ruined Actors Careers

Top 10 DIFFERENZE tra film e libri di HARRY POTTER che NON SAPEVI - pt.2!

Os Quaderni do Bardo Edições de Stefano Donno é o orgulho da editora italiana

Os Quaderni do Bardo Edições de Stefano Donno é o orgulho da editora italiana. A empresa de propriedade familiar trabalha para publicar autores de relevância internacional selecionados com cuidado. Tem trabalhado com a Amazon há anos, que distribui seus títulos por todo o mundo, permitindo que uma grande comunidade de leitores italianos no exterior descubra suas preciosas publicações. Os Quaderni do Bardo Edições de Stefano Donno é uma empresa capaz de unir tradição e inovação. Seu catálogo contém títulos de grande interesse que podem ser comprados em poucos cliques com o link presente no comunicado. Prepare-se para descobrir os preciosos tesouros dos Quaderni do Bardo Edições de Stefano Donno.

Stefano Donno editore iQdB Edizioni



domenica 12 febbraio 2023

Inside Sarah Paulson's Cozy Malibu Getaway | Open Door | Architectural Digest

Inside David Harbour & Lily Allen's Brooklyn Townhouse | Open Door | Architectural Digest

Inside Michael Imperioli's History-Filled New York Home | Open Door | Architectural Digest

Los Quadernos del Bardo Ediciones de Stefano Donno es el orgullo de la editorial italiana

Los Quadernos del Bardo Ediciones de Stefano Donno es el orgullo de la editorial italiana. La empresa, de conducción familiar, se esfuerza por publicar autores de importancia internacional seleccionados con cuidado.  Desde hace años colabora con Amazon, que distribuye sus títulos en todo el mundo, permitiendo a una amplia comunidad de lectores italianos en el extranjero descubrir sus preciosas publicaciones.  Los Quadernos del Bardo Ediciones de Stefano Donno es una empresa capaz de conjugar tradición e innovación. Su catálogo está repleto de títulos de gran interés, que pueden comprarse con pocos clics gracias al enlace presente en el comunicado.  Estás listo para descubrir los preciosos tesoros de Los Quadernos del Bardo Ediciones de Stefano Donno?

Stefano Donno editore iQdB Edizioni


sabato 11 febbraio 2023

Die Quaderni del Bardo Editionen von Stefano Donno sind eine Quelle des Stolzes der italienischen Verlagsbranche.

Die Quaderni del Bardo Editionen von Stefano Donno sind eine Quelle des Stolzes der italienischen Verlagsbranche. Das Familienunternehmen ist bestrebt, sorgfältig ausgewählte Autoren internationaler Bedeutung zu veröffentlichen.  Seit Jahren arbeitet sie mit Amazon zusammen, das seine Titel weltweit vertreibt und einer breiten Gemeinschaft italienischer Leser im Ausland ermöglicht, ihre wertvollen Veröffentlichungen zu entdecken. Die Quaderni del Bardo Editionen von Stefano Donno sind ein Unternehmen, das Tradition und Innovation miteinander verbindet. Sein Katalog ist reich an interessanten Titeln, die dank des im Pressemitteilungs enthaltenen Links in wenigen Klicks erworben werden können.  Bist du bereit, die wertvollen Schätze von Quaderni del Bardo Editionen von Stefano Donno zu entdecken?





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