
mercoledì 20 febbraio 2019

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martedì 19 febbraio 2019

Stephen King ... The horror factor

Dubeau makes a leap to the reader with a scene of two boys whose walk in the woods turns for the creepy, but the best moments of his debut are in the quiet, disturbing distances between the torrential rains of gore, when the village is in its most pastoral setting.
Howard's second novel, in which the owner of the book Emily Lovecraft and detective Daniel Carter found them in the developing World, is an alternative universe where things have changed very differently - starting with Germany still in power after the second World War and the Soviet Union collapsed after the Axis bomb exploded. Cantero weaves a fascinating web of mystery, but among the hordes of fishermen is a sincere novel about closure, maturity, talking dogs and a villain who weapons the knowledge of horror tropes to plan around the heroes 'drawings and level the playing field. Schlocky, and finally quite corny, the performance of Warwick Davis as the title character makes it one of the most memorable horror films of the time. Warwick's diabolical performance is not the only thing to watch out for here, as a young Jennifer Aniston makes her debut on the big screen in the film. Kevin Spacey also appears in the film as the elusive architect behind the twisted, transgressional murder of the film. It's just as scary when Ghostface ( now one of the most recognizable "faces" of horror ) begins to stab through the student body in Woodsboro High. The horror film by alexandre Aja is based on two students, Marie and Alex, who go to the last house for a quiet escape, when the murderer brutally murdered the whole family of Alex and then kidnaps Alex. Robert R McCammon was one of the most successful and prolific authors of horror films of the 1980s and early 1990s, before an editorial discussion prompted him to take a ten - year break from writing. Michael McDowell's recently regenerated horror classic is not characterized by queer characters, but by his saga of McCray and wild families - and the sandy spirit that torments their Victorian beach houses - is pure Southern Gothic with a unique gay voice. The king's novel is more like jacek Torrance, a recovering alcoholic writer ( known as "sound familiar" ) who is trying to improve his family's life by working as a janitor in a remote resort with a violent story that is barely hidden. King hates the adaptation of Kubrick, and although it is difficult to discuss the quality of the film or its place in the pantheon of horror movies, the novel is the most varied and, probably, the most frightening version of history, topiary monsters and everything. Sad, bloody and extremely psychologically disturbing, the first book in a series of barkers was praised by Stephen King as "the future of horror" when it appeared in the mid - 1980s.
No, not Courtney loves the regions of the nether ( although ), but rather the novel of the contemporary horror of big Joe Hill. Butler's sci - fi and horror are both frightening and beautiful at the same time - not an easy feat - in which a race of strangers with a tight lid saves the last members of humanity, but they demand a high price.

The novel of Koja's debut novel is both an existential masterpiece and a terrifying as hell. Created by American director Wes Craven, the 1984 Nightmare on Elm Street was created by filmgoers with one of the most original villains in history to adorn the silver screen.
The film, directed by American filmmaker William Friedkin, tells the story of a young girl possessed by a demon in 1971, based on the novel by author William Blatey.
Unlike other films in the haunted house genre, Wan and screenwriter Leigh Whannell added their own original touch, changing the source of paranormal activity. Frank Darabont has completed his King's trilogy with the story of ordinary people trapped in a supermarket and fighting mysterious monsters from a fog that surrounds them. There's nothing supernatural about it - just decades of pain and suppressed memories, with Bates being the protagonist and Jennifer Jason Leigh as her daughter, a tortured and tormented daughter. She is as fantastic as Annie hammond, a popular romantic writer named Paul Sheldon ( James Caan), who is imprisoned in her house until she agrees to give up her new manuscript - which she hates - and write something more to her liking. Annie could have been a simple, misogynist monster, but in the hands of Bates, the character becomes a complicated portrait of obsession, revealing the dangers of losing himself in the work of others.
Most people associate Stephen King with pictures of jacek Nicholson in a murderous fury or a terrifying clown that looks at you from the other side of the street. The king's inspiration for the book was his real stay in the famous Stanley Hotel in Colorado, and one of the most important beef with Kubrick's movie was that Kubrick didn't manage to shoot in Stanley because of the lack of snow. King deals with the nature and functionality of horror from a wide range of angles, and shows a deep knowledge of speculative fiction from every stripe, ranging from discussions about contemporary science fiction writers to medieval Gothic literature from the beginning of the 20th century to the 1950s to the horrors of beach films.

Cited Sources

Per il Tempo di un caffè il Progetto Crizia (Sofistica 3.0) oggi al 300mila lounge Bar a Lecce. Si parla di Parmenide e retorica

Alle origini la parola sofista rappresentava il sapiente ed il saggio, facendo riferimento  ad un uomo esperto conoscitore e dall' ampia cultura. A partire dal V secolo, invece, si denominarono «sofisti» quegli intellettuali che professavano la loro conoscenza per poi insegnarla dietro compenso. Questa commercializzazione del sapere rese i sofisti  antipatici a molti poichè, per l'aristocrazia del tempo, il fatto che un filosofo si facesse remunerare per i suoi insegnamenti era un vero scandalo. Solo a partire dal XIX secolo la Sofistica venne rivalutata, e oggi è riconosciuta come un periodo fondamentale della filosofia antica. Ecco i principi del loro sapere: Centralità dell’uomo. I sofisti si interessarono soprattutto di problematiche umane ed antropologiche. Per i sofisti non esiste una verità, ma molte verità. Vi sono una molteplicità di opinioni soggettive le quali, proprio perchè relative, divengono similmente valide ed equivalenti. Dialettica e retorica sono le basi dunque per la trattazione e divulgazione del sapere.  E partendo da queste basi e sull’idea dell’azione editoriale come azione di politica culturale per e con la società civile l’editore de I Quaderni del bardo Edizioni Stefano Donno, organizza  periodicamente una serie di appuntamenti chiamate Lezioni Pubbliche nella rassegna Il tempo di un Caffè inaugurando il Progetto Crizia (Sofistica 3.0) Lezioni pubbliche sul Sapere (storia, letteratura filosofia, arte, altro e oltre). Intervento sull’arte della retorica a cura di Mauro Ragosta. Il secondo appuntamento che si terrà in data 19 febbraio 2019 presso il 300 mila lounge bar in Via Centoquarantesimo Reggimento Fanteria 11 avrà come oggetto della seconda pubblica lezione i principi fondamentali che sono alla base del pensiero di Parmenide. Nel Poema sulla natura Parmenide indica che la molteplicità e i cambiamenti del mondo fisico sono illusori, e afferma, contrariamente al senso comune, la realtà dell'Essere: non transeunte e, ingenerato, finito, immortale, unico, omogeneo, immobile, eterno. La narrazione si snoda intorno al percorso intellettuale del filosofo che racconta il suo viaggio immaginario verso la sede della dea Dike (dea della Giustizia) la quale lo condurrà al «cuore inconcusso della ben rotonda verità». L ‘avvenente donna, in quanto tutrice dell'ordine universale, sarebbe vista in tal senso anche come garante dell'ordine logico, cioè del retto filosofare. La dea illustra  al filosofo la via dell'opinione, che conduce all'apparenza e all'inganno, e la via della verità che conduce alla sapienza e all'Essere (τὸ εἶναι, tò èinai). Pur non comunicando cosa sia questo essere, Parmenide è il filosofo che per primo ne mette a tema esplicitamente il concetto; su di esso egli esprime soltanto una lapidaria formula, la più antica testimonianza in materia, secondo la quale «l'essere è, e non può non essere», «il non-essere non è, e non può essere»-  Si tratterà di appuntamenti agevoli nell’approccio, utili didatticamente, che si svilupperanno nell’arco di non oltre un’ora e sono rivolti sia ad un pubblico generalista che a studenti che vogliano approfondire le tematiche affrontate di volta in volta

iQdB edizioni di Stefano Donno (i Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni di Stefano Donno)

Sede Legale e Redazione: Via S. Simone 74 - 73107 Sannicola (LE)

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lunedì 18 febbraio 2019

To be Philip Roth

New jork - the award - winning novelist and the intrepid storyteller of sex, death, assimilation and destiny, from the comical craziness of the "Portnoy Complaint" to the elegicuous lyrics of "American shepherd ", died on Tuesday evening at 85. In recent years, Roth has become increasingly concerned about history and its puncture, as ordinary people have been overwhelmed by events beyond their control, such as Jews in "The story Against America" or "The student in outrage" who dies during The Korean War. The story told by Nathan Zuckerman tells the story of the vietnamese era and tells the story of the rise and fall of the slipped Irving Levov, known as "the Swede" for its good Aryan appearance. Although it is Jewish, Levov is not as alienated as many other Roth Jewish characters, but in reality it becomes a dominant athlete and later a successful husband and father - someone who lives the dream of the 1950s, fully immigrating to American life. Once again told by Zuckerman, along with his 90 - year - old high school teacher Murray, the novel follows the story of the radio star, the radio star known as Iron Rinn, who turned into communism during the second World War and then vili. Nathan Zuckerman, an alter ego of roth, first focuses on the fact that he decides that a young woman he meets in the house of a renowned Jewish writer, EI Lonoff, is Anne Frank. Roth looks at the political turmoil of the Vietnam war years, and Zuckerman re - imagines Swede's life, a young promising man who thought he had made the American dream come true - until his life began to unravel around him. The fascist acquisition, rooted in the children of Newark Roth, seemed completely plausible after 11 september and is increasingly urgent in the Donald Trump era. And Mickey, the main character of the Sabbath theatre, one of Roth's great novels at the end of his career, is in many ways old - fashioned Portnoy, but still in the hands of lust and desire, he is angry with the indignation of old times, but saved from suicidal impulses. Roth's autobiographical phase began in 1974 with My Life as a Man, which he said was probably The least changed in fact from his books, and continued with The Zuckerman trilogy - The Writer of The spirit ( 1979 ) and The Lesson of Anatomy ( 1983 ). Like Portnoy's Complaint, The Sabbath theatre seemed to release its author, but The ensuing work - which Roth called his American trilogy : American pastor, I Married a Communist and a Human Stain - is less about sex than about history or traumatic moments in American culture. Zuckerman, like Roth, a Jewish writer who was attacked by Jewish critics at the beginning of his career, was one of the many characters that Roth had repeated in his fiction. Philip Milton Roth was born to the first generation of Americans in 1933 - Herman Roth, a Life insurance salesman, and his wife, the former Bess Finkel. U. s. President Barack Obama will present the National Medal of Humanities to the writer Philip Roth at a ceremony at the White House in Washington in 2011. If few American writers compare with Roth's direct analysis of the desires and decline of the male body, it's because Roth wrote about so many of his own physical challenges with almost unbearable clarity. Where John Updike, his competitor in a literary marathon of the mid - 1970s - in which each of them had the other, step by step, step by step, breaking books such as sweat - regularly published eight poems in the format, essays, jeux d 'esprit' esprit 'esprit' esprit's regularly published. In the meantime, adultery is the most American of the acts, being a form of search for happiness that is accessible to other limited actors : in Roth, the removal of the Jewish tribe is the cost of cosmopolitan education promoted by the jews. Philip Roth, whose life is an open book that spans three decades of autobiographical fiction and fact, ironically does not like to give public lectures and is a reluctant topic of interrogation. Roth and Kennedy belong to more than 170 Writers in 50 cities to participate in the first National Reading on Tuesday : Writers Harvest for the Homeless, the son of fryderyk Busch, a novelist and college professor. Roth considers Newark to be an American success story in the 1930s and 1940s. While predecessors such as Saul Bellow and Bernard Malamud wrote about the painful adaptation of Jews from the lives of immigrants, Roth's heroes were the next generation. According to Alexander Portnoy's story, Roth's novel satirized the boring expectations of "nice Jewish boys" and immortalized the most heartbreaking manifestations of sexual obsession.

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